Defence systems

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Defence systems are a category of construct subsystems which attempt to prevent incoming munitions from reaching a construct, or at least cause them to miss the most important parts of it.


Operational defences, a.k.a. Signal Jammers, are used to scramble enemy communications, including inter-construct detection sharing networks and remote munition guidance datalinks.

  • The Smoke Dispenser can also be used to reduce the accuracy of an an enemy's visual sensors, but its effects are localized to the vehicle carrying it, and several dispensers are typically needed to hide larger vehicles.


Softkill systems include various decoys used to direct self-guiding weapons (Missiles and Torpedoes) away from their intended target, or otherwise blind their seeker heads.

  • Missiles fitted with "Radar target simulator" and/or "Sticky flare" sections will attract missiles using Active radar seeker heads and IR seeker heads, respectively.
  • A torpedo equipped with a "Sonar target simulator" section will attract sonar-homing torpedoes.
  • The Chaff Emitter throws up a cloud of metal foil strips which can blind, or degrade the performance of Active radar seeker heads, potentially causing them to miss their target altogether, or at least hit it somewhere other than where they were initially aiming towards.
  • Smoke Dispensers will disrupt the guidance of laser-homing missiles.


These are weapons configured specifically to destroy incoming munitions (Torpedoes, missiles, CRAM and APS projectiles).


Guns controlled by a Close-in Weapon System controller can target and intercept CRAM shells and missiles.

Missile Interceptors

Missiles equipped with the "Missile interceptor" head will seek out incoming missiles and/or CRAM shells.

Torpedo Interceptors

Also equipped with the "Missile interceptor" head, these will seek to intercept incoming torpedoes.


Laser Anti-Munition Systems are Laser systems built to zap incoming missiles, CRAM, and APS shells. Because of its very swift reaction time, LAMS is probably your best option for dealing with high-speed small missiles.


Terminal defence systems are used when a hit is assured. Their goal is to either redirect the incoming damage towards a non-critical part of the construct, or otherwise reduce the potential damage recieved.

  • Heat decoys, Radar decoys, and Sonar decoys, all produce active emissions which attract missiles with their respective seeker heads. This makes it more likely that the construct will be detected and targeted, but if the weapon is already on its way... at least these decoys might convince the incoming munition to aim itself at somewhere unimportant.
  • The Smoke Dispenser (Hattrick!) will disrupt not just missile guidance lasers, but lasers in general, reducing their damage output.
  • Energy shields are available in two flavours, only one of which can be used on a construct at a given time:
    • The Planar Shield Projector projects a planar shield; a wall of energy which will apply a force perpendicular to itself to any projectile attempting to pass through it. Depending on the angle of impact, the effect strength of the shield, and the mass and speed of the projectile, the outcome will vary; a perpendicular impact may cause a very lightweight and slow-moving projectile to be repelled, whereas a faster and heavier projectile would punch through while losing only a small fraction of its speed. Impacts at shallower angles might see smaller and lighter shells skip off of the shield, whereas larger and heavier projectiles may punch through with a new, even shallower trajectory due to the reduction of the velocity component perpendicular to the shield. Regardless, all impacts will drain the strength of the shield, reducing its effect during subsequent impacts.
    • The Ring Shield boosts the Armour Class of a construct's exterior perpendicular to the enclosed area of the shield (so if the ring shield is lying flat on your dining room floor, then it will boost the Armour Class of both the roof tiles, and the floor in the sub-basement, but nothing else.