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The detection system is FtD's means of figuring out whether a construct belonging to faction A can "see" a construct belonging to faction B, and if so, with what degree of accuracy. Additionally, some sensors are able to not only detect constructs, but also certain incoming munitions.

Because a constant supply of target data is essential for the proper functioning of autonomous constructs during combat, the relevant components can be found in a sub-folder within the "AI" section of the build menu.

Signature types

  • Strategic Signals Intelligence: The detection of "Out of Play" stuff by eavesdropping on the low-frequency radio transmissions between them and their faction's HQ. Although capable of detecting transmitting constructs at extreme ranges, it is also extremely imprecise, and thus can't produce useful fire control solutions.
  • Visual: The detection of visible stuff. The more stuff is visible, the easier it is to detect.
  • Infrared: The detection of hot stuff. The hotter stuff is, the easier it is to detect. On the flip side, the bigger stuff is, the less easy it is to detect, as the heat spreads out and becomes less distinct.
  • Acoustic: The detection of underwater stuff that isn't being quiet. The more un-quiet stuff is, the easier it is to detect. Alternatively, the detection of stuff that is quiet, by simply making enough noise to create a detectable echo off of the quiet stuff.
  • Radar: The detection of stuff by throwing radio signals everyhwere until they echo off of something. Much like acoustic detection, but above water.
  • LIDAR: The detection of stuff by pointing a fancy flashlight at it, and then using a camera to detect any reflections.
  • Tactical Signals Intelligence: The detection of high-frequency radio signals, such as those coming off of a Wireless Transmitter, or Inter-construct Transmitter.

Active/Trancieving sensors

These are sensors which actively transmit some sort of signal, and then wait for an "echo" of that signal to return to them, allowing them to generate very precise range data, while typically providing somewhat poor bearing data.
The inevitable drawback of these sensors is that their active emissions can be detected by certain passive sensors.

Active sensors
Name Mode FoV Sensitivity modifier Angular error Range error Scan rate GPP Notes
Radar 360 RADAR 360° 1 0,3° 12,5% 10 3
Radar 90 RADAR 90° 1 0,2° 10% 20 2
Radar Gimbal Tracker RADAR 10°/360° 1 0,1° 8% 25 1
Sonar 360 SONAR 360° 1 0,75° 0,75% 5 2
Sonar 90 SONAR 90° 1 0,5° 0,5% 10 1 Notes
Laser Retroreflection sensor LIDAR 360° 1 0,2% 4 1 Notes
Laser Rangefinder Tracker LIDAR 10°/360° 1 0,1% 15 0,1 Notes
  • Because sensors must be connected to a processing system, all sensors will be "blind" on at least one side due to visibility being obstructed by whatever block is connecting them to the system.

Passive/Recieving sensors

These are sensors which passively "listen" or observe their surroundings. As a general rule, they're pretty good at determining the direction to the target, but can't be relied upon to provide accurate range data.
On the flip side, they don't emit any signals of their own, and so can't be passively detected by other sensors.

Passive sensors
Name Mode FoV Sensitivity modifier Angular error Range error Scan rate GPP Notes
Camera 360 Visual 360° 1 0,3° 12,5% 10 3
Camera 90 Visual 90° 1 0,2° 10% 20 2
Camera Gimbal Tracker Visual 10°/360° 1 0,1° 8% 25 1
Coincidence Rangefinder(s)* Visual ??? 1,25 0,05° 2%
5 2 These are available in 3 base lengths: 4m, 6m, and 8m.
IR Camera 360 IR 360°* 1 0,45° 12,5% 15 2 Notes
IR Camera 90 IR 90° 1 0,3° 10% 30 1 Notes
IR Camera Gimbal Tracker IR 10°/360° 1 0,15° 8% 40 0,5 Notes
Radar Warning Reciever RADAR 360°* 1 1,5° 25% 8 2 Notes
Passive Sonar 360 SONAR 360°* 1 0,75° 25% 5 2 Notes
Wireless Snooper SigInt True 360° 1 10% 5 3 Notes
  • Again, the network connection blocks visibility in at least one direction.

Bearing/Elevation vs Range accuracy, and FCS tuning

As seen above, FtD generates direction data and range data separately, and some types of sensors are inherently better at generating range data than they are at determining the bearing to target, whereas others may be very good at determining the direction but lousy at finding the range.


Signature reduction


