Steel Striders

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The Steel Striders (SS) is the sixth faction encountered by the player in Quest for Neter.

The Steel Striders is an admiralty, commanding a large number of ships, helicopters, aircraft, and submarines styled after real-life and near-future craft. Likewise, they make extensive use of advanced cannons and missiles.


The modern Steel Striders were once at the head of an even more powerful faction, the Steel Empire. However, the Lightning Hoods and White Flayers broke away in a civil war, taking much of the Steel Empire's ships and scientists. Those still loyal to the ideals of the Steel Empire form the modern Steel Striders, and still operate as a predominant power on Neter. The Steel Striders have further bolstered their military power by closely allying themselves with the Twin Guard, exchanging technology and resources.


Steel Striders craft are colored in blue naval camouflage. Many aircraft adopt a two-tone countershading paint scheme, while submarines are painted dark blue or black.

Naval forces are composed of a motley of ships based on real-world designs, ranging in time from pre-dreadnoughts to modern destroyers and aircraft carriers. In addition, the Steel Striders utilize Shark Ships, characterized by a unique bow with eyes painted on and azipods in the stern. Shark Ships are some of the most advanced ships in the Steel Striders arsenal.