White Flayers

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The white Flayers (WF) are the third faction found in Quest for Neter.

The White Flayers are a collection of religious extremists worshipping the Flayed God. They can broadly be divided into zealots and priests, who each pursue a different strategy of battle. Long ago, the White Flayers and Lightning Hoods broke away from the Steel Striders.



The White flayers paint their ships white, with blood red accents and spikes. The majority of their attacking power lies in their surface fleet, but they wield a supplementary force of submarines and thrustercraft. They also notably have a diverse force of seaborne and airborne ramming craft, many mounted with nuclear bombs.

White Flayer craft predominantly make use of Advanced Cannons, but will also utilize torpedoes, missiles, and particle cannons.


The Zealots charge headlong into the enemy, making use of cheap, small, and mostly disposable units. All have armor concentrated at the front. Zealot craft rely on ramming and melee weapons to deal most of their damage, but supplement this with autocannons and missiles.


The "upper class" of the White Flayers make use of larger, more armored surface vessels. These ships are largely armed with railguns, supplemented by missile and torpedoes. Unlike the Zealots, they do not engage in melee combat.