From the Depths Wiki:Style Guide

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This is the From the Depths wiki style guide. It describes accepted and established practices at the From the Depths wiki. Editors are encouraged to follow these guidelines closely.

The style guide exists to ensure cross-page consistency, a very important attribute of a wiki. Modifications may be suggested, but bear in mind that the style guide merely lists practices that are widely in use. It is not a means to impose extensive policies or personal preferences.

Regardless, not all pages may follow the style guide entirely. While that may be due to good reason (which should then, in non-obvious cases, be marked, e.g. with a comment), it is often caused by the sheer number of pages, some of which have not been touched in a long time. All editors are encouraged to rectify such deviations.


Use British English, as this is the official language used in-game.

Avoid addressing the reader directly, especially outside of guides.

If ratios are displayed as a percentage, round to two decimal places (e.g. 1/3 becomes 33.33%).

Page Titles

The first letter of each word should be uppercase, with the exception of words such as "and" or "of". That is, use title case.

Note that this standard exists for the sake of ease of linking - links on MediaWiki are case-sensitive, barring the first letter. E.g. [[Marauder]]] and [[marauder]] are equivalent, but [[CRAM Cannon]] and [[CRAM cannon]] are not.

The first mention of the page-title should be bolded, but any further mentions should not be. Alternative titles (such as Manual of Style for this page) may or may not be bolded on first mention.


The top-level sections used on a page should be == Section ==. Followed by === Subsection ===, ==== Subsubsection ====, and finally ===== Subsubsubsection =====. Notably, = Header = should not be used.

Sections should follow the same naming conventions as page titles.

Lead Sections

The lead section of a page should not have its own separate header. It should be kept short (typically 1-2 paragraphs, depending on the page).

Case usage in templates

Template names follow the same rules as standard page titles (i.e. Title Case).

Cargo-based templates should include Cargo at the beginning of the name.

Variables should use camelCase.


All content needs to be factual/non-opinionative; Don't use guessing for numbers/facts without a base for it.

Massive Editing

Use the "preview page" feature, and avoid spamming post edits (constantly updating a page and hitting the "save" button), instead of doing it all in one go (or a few goes).


References are usually small, numbered footnotes like this.[1]

They should be either directly following the fact that they support, before any punctuation or at the end of the sentence they support following any punctuation.


All trivia should be about game's history or references, not about bugs , and neither about how the game works internally. With other words, if it affects current gameplay, it is not trivia.